memorie sonore

“Memorie Sonore – Suoni e immagini tra passato e presente” (“Sound Memories - Sounds and Images between Past and Present”) is a project realised in 2021 together with the Musei di Tutti thematic museum network, aiming to enhance museums through new digital content and increasing their accessibility, especially for the visually impaired or blind public.

The project has resulted into four virtual tours, which are linked by the 'sound memories' of the places, i.e. immersive and original audio reconstructions of the sounds, noises and voices that animated them in the past.

The Sound Memories virtual tours are open to everyone and can be enjoyed free of charge both on-line and on-site, thanks to the Sound Memories - kit that can be rented from the network museums participating in the project.

For further information

Discover the Musei di Fiesole virtual tour: Virtual tours
Discover the Musei di Fiesole visiting kit: Sound Memories - kit

For further information about the project:


Rete Museale Musei di Tutti

In collaboration with



Supported by

Regione Toscana