What is it?
Museo? I don't like! is a project that Musei di Fiesole launched in 2017, in collaboration with Museo Primo Conti, in order to involve young people aged between 18 and 24 in the planning and realisation of cultural initiatives concerning the museums and the territory of Fiesole aimed at their peers.
Who is it for?
The project is open to all young people in this age group who are willing to get involved in order to share their ideas and, through a co-design process with the Museums, turn them into concrete initiatives.
For further information: https://museoidontlike.wordpress.com/
Comune di Fiesole
Fondazione Primo Conti Onlus
Supported by
In 2017 the Project was realised with the contribution of Regione Toscana and with the support of Tenax.