pubblico al centro

What is it?

Il pubblico al centro (The Audience at the Centre) is a project, promoted and implemented by Musei di Fiesole and other museums in Fiesole and Florence between 2017 and 2018, aimed at widening the accessibility of museums and social inclusion through participatory processes and the realisation of activities addressed to different audiences with specific needs. The activities, designed in close synergy with specialised subjects for each specific category of audience, were preceded by a training phase addressed to museum operators, but open to all interested parties, with the aim of studying the needs of special audiences during the museum visit.

The conferences and training days resulted in five notebooks, each dedicated to illustrating the results of the activities carried out for a specific type of audience, as well as the methodological choices and critical issues encountered during the design phase.

Resources (available only in italian)

1 - Teens e Musei
2 - Soggetti ipovedenti e non vedenti
3 - Soggetti con disabilità cognitive
4 - Bambini 0 - 3 anni
5 - Immigrati


Musei Civici Fiorentini - MUS.E
Museo degli Innocenti
Fondazione e Museo Primo Conti

Supported by

Regione Toscana